3 Ways To Get Prospects To Buy When Price Is A Problem

When potential customers say they can’t afford you, what they REALLY mean is they’re not sure if they can go ahead. 

Something is stopping them from saying yes – and it’s usually something emotional. 

This means your copy must address the underlying issues that could be preventing someone from buying your products and experiencing a transformation.

Objections over the money are rarely the REAL issue – which is why discounts are not necessarily the smartest strategy.

Here’s 3 things you SHOULD be doing instead:

  1. Link your offer to an outcome the customer wants and try and connect it to something emotional

E.g. “You’ll learn how to control your sugar cravings so you can drop unwanted pounds quickly and feel more confident in your own skin

  • ‘So you can’ is a great connecting phrase between what your product will do for them and the benefits and outcomes the customer wants.  Notice how I mentioned the big benefit (drop unwanted pounds) but have included the emotional aspect to it as well (feeling confident)
  • Repeat this for all the outcomes and desires your customer wants
  1. Offset the objection by comparing the price to something familiar and linking it to the customer’s end goal

E.g. for the price of a takeout, you’re getting everything you need to totally transform your body and get in the best shape of your life

  • By comparing the price to something familiar, you’re allowing people to come to the natural conclusion that actually, the price is no big deal
  1. For larger purchases, acknowledge the price as an investment into their future outcome

E.g. I understand that £997 is a lot of money, but it’s an investment into your health and wellbeing. 

Bonus Tip – link this investment to a fear/frustration/dream or desire the prospect has and pose this as a question. E.g. Are you really going to let your sugar cravings control your life and leave you with the possibility of developing diabetes or heart disease in later life?

You’ll notice in all of these examples, the central theme is emotion. By learning how to tap into the emotions your prospect is feeling, you’ll effortlessly turn more leads into buyers.