Read This If Your Emails Aren’t Being Opened |Email Marketing Open Rate

You may have noticed recently that email isn’t what it used to be…

Open rates are lower, click-through rates have reduced and overall, people seem less engaged than normal…

In fact, if you follow any big-name marketer, you may have even heard them talk about the ‘death of email’!

While it seems depressing, the good news is it’s also a huge opportunity…

Because when done right, email is, in my opinion, an awesome way to make more money because an email list is an asset that you OWN. 

However, the caveat is you MUST be nurturing your list appropriately! 

If you’re in the habit of emailing your list once in a blue moon with random offers and not much else, you’re doing it all wrong…

The number one tip to solving your email woes is to stay relevant. Sounds obvious, and it is… but you’d be surprised at the number of businesses who really mess this up. 

You need to figure out the pain points, problems, desires, fears, dreams and motivations of your ideal customers and use this information to write about the things which matter to them most. 

If you can do this and do it consistently, you’ve won 80% of the battle with email. 

Tip number two is to be consistent. Email regularly and at least once a week if you can so people don’t forget who you are. This is important! People are busy and if you don’t stay top of mind, they’ll forget about you.

Third tip – focus on your customers and not yourself. If all you do is talk about yourself and your business, you’ll irritate people and they’ll disengage. Customers only care about themselves, so focus on them as much as possible!

Last tip – give value first wherever you can! Share the good stuff and be generous with it. Share tips, resources, blog posts, videos and other awesome content. A good rule of thumb is the 80/20 rule… 80% of the time be sharing content, 20% of the time make offers.

And actually, if you do it right, you can technically make offers in every single email you write – but there’s an art to it, and it ALL starts with understanding who your ideal customer is.