Here’s How You Build Desire For Your Stuff… | Sales Pitch Tips

The key to a successful sales pitch is to build desire for your offer so its truly irresistible…

There are lots of ways you can do this, but here are 5 ways to get you started:

1) FOMO:

One of the easiest ways to create desire for your product is using FOMO or the fear of missing out! Limited editions, flash sales, one-time offers, introductory offers, early bird deals and even using ‘out of stock’ or ‘sold out’ (put people on a waiting list) can boost demand for your product!

2) Curiosity:

This works especially well with information and new releases. Indeed, the entire film industry is based on sneak peeks to create curiosity and intrigue. People are nosey by nature and NEED to know what’s happening!

3) Influencers:

Nothing screams ‘buy me now’ more than your favourite celeb or influencer telling you how good a product/service is. The good thing is you no longer have to spend millions to get someone famous to promote you.

One influencer is sometimes all you need to promote your offer. Reach out to Instagram, YouTube and other social media influencers and bloggers in your industry who would be willing to promote you.

4) Repetition:

Often overlooked, but repeatedly showing customers your products can intensify desire. This is exactly why late-night shopping channels do long presentations that last up to an hour where they’ll pitch the product several times throughout the presentation. 

5) Storytelling:

Stories are unbelievably powerful and can emotionally connect with your audience on a deeper level. Getting your customers to tell their stories of how your product/service has changed their life is one of the most awesome ways to build desire. 

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Then you need to get my book ‘Mind-Hack™ Marketing – How To Turn Customer Psychology Into Breakthrough Sales

Mind-Hack™ Marketing is based on more than a decade of my experience working with expert brands to help them radically scale and convert more clicks into clients.

I’ve used the principles inside this book to do more than 9 figures in sales for my clients over the last 11 years…

I’ve written for and worked with clients such as:

– Jay Abraham

– Shaqir Hussyin

– Entrepreneurial Muslim

– Marisa Peer International

– Dan Bradbury

Plus many more big-name businesses and brands to help them grow their business. 

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