The problem with this problem is that most business owners don’t even know they have this problem! Seriously, most businesses just have a surface level understanding of their customers and focus on demographics like age, gender, location and maybe profession.
But there’s SO much more to understanding your customer and connecting with them in a way that makes them literally throw their wallets at you!
Solution: I’ll sit down with you face-to-face and map out the different customer avatars (or profiles) that your business currently serves, as well as looking at those your marketing is currently missing.
I then take a deep dive into the psychographics of your ideal customer – where and how to find them (online and offline), what to say to them and how to connect with them on a deep, emotional level so they trust you, love you and ultimately buy from you over and over again.
Not only that, they’ll become your brand’s biggest fans and rave about you to everyone – from their friends to their neighbours (and maybe even to their cat!).
Get in touch today to see how I can help you: CONTACT ME