How To Reach As Many Of Your Ideal Customers As Possible

There’s a huge trend in the digital marketing world right now that hinges on building great relationships with your ideal customers. 

In fact, relevancy and relationship building has become THE top priority over the last year for every single business.

Just a few years ago, the conversation digital marketers were having was along the lines of:

‘How can we reach as many of our ideal customers as possible?’

Today, the conversation has become:

‘How can we build meaningful relationships with our ideal customers so they WANT to do business with us?’

The first conversation is all about reach while being relevant, while the second conversation is about relevancy with your reach.

It’s a subtle, but KEY difference. Let me explain:

  • When you focus on reach with relevancy, you look for your ideal customers whose demographic data and overarching goals and problems can be satisfied with the solutions you provide.
  • When you focus on relevancy with your reach, you’re looking at meeting potential customers where THEY are at in their journey. This is all about providing exceptional help and value to your ideal customers and positioning yourself as THE trusted authority in your industry. When this happens, you become the ‘go to’ company your prospects WANT to do business with.

Properly understanding the wants, needs, problems, fears, frustrations and desires of your intended audience and relaying this information to your prospects in a way that’s highly relevant to them is THE holy grail of marketing.

In fact, when your marketing campaigns, content and messaging match your audience on a deeper level, it can literally skyrocket your sales and ROI.

I’ve put together an awesome resource to help you with this – it’s the first two chapters of my book ‘Mind-Hack® Marketing – How To Translate Customer Psychology Into Breakthrough Sales.’

Inside your two free chapters, you’ll discover:

  • 13 ways in which understanding your customers will radically improve your business (page 5)
  • The ONLY 3 ways you can increase your sales – most businesses only focus on one or two of these, leaving a ton of money on the table (page 10)
  • 3 quick ways to figure out your ideal customers (page 14)
  • Find out on page 18 why people don’t buy from you and what you need to do to fix it!
  • On page 35, you’ll finally understand why BELIEF SYSTEMS can make or break your sales
  • Emotion vs logic – discover the secret to getting better conversions and better responses from your customers (including a secret formula I use when crafting bullets on page 47)

I really hope you’ll set aside at least 90 minutes of your time to read through the chapters because I promise you it will be well worth your time.

Get the free chapters here: MIND-HACK MARKETING CHAPTERS

If you feel you need help with defining your ideal customers further, I would love to set up a quick call with you to answer any questions you might have and learn more about your business.