How To Sell More Of Your Products WITHOUT Burning Out Your List!

How do you sell more of your programs and services without actually annoying and frustrating the people on your list?

That’s a tricky question, since most marketers will tell you that the more you place your stuff in front of the right audience, the more people will buy…

And so when your list becomes tired and non-responsive, the natural solution seems to be to find new people to sell to…

And of course, growing your list further has an associated cost to it too…

So here’s three things you can immediately do that will help to sell more of your programs without the need to spend more on acquiring new customers:


#1 Focus on The Primary Emotions of Your Audience

What underlying emotional need does your product solve? By figuring out the underlying emotional needs of your audience and connecting this to the benefit of your products, you’ll automatically increase the desire of your actual product and you’ll be able to sell more of it!

For example, if you sell a weight loss program, then the emotional need for your clients is they want to feel confident in their own skin. It’s NOT just about losing weight. It’s about how they FEEL. By focusing on this in your marketing, you’ll sell more of your programs all day long than simply saying ‘this program will help you lose weight.’

#2 Paint A Picture Of What Success And Failure Looks Like

A super-powerful technique to help your audience move from prospects to actual customers is by painting a mental picture of what success and failure look like if they DON’T buy your product.

So for our weight loss example, if they buy your program they’ll be healthier, more energetic and feel confident enough to try new things. If they DON’T use your program, they’ll continue to feel stuck where they are and their health will suffer, meaning they’ll miss out on many opportunities in life.

See how powerful this is?

#3 Switch Up Headlines And Subject Lines

One of the easiest ways to see the biggest gains with your marketing is by switching up your headlines and subject lines in your emails. Make them benefit-oriented and emotional if possible. You want to connect with your prospects’ pain points so they when they read your subject lines or headlines they are immediately drawn to it.

An excellent formula is the ‘How to X (Benefit) without Y (pain point/struggle)’

You’ll notice I used this formula for the subject line in this email 😉

It’s a simple but powerful formula which immediately tells your audience what’s in it for them and that they can have it without the pain point they want to avoid the most.

You can play around with this formula, but remember, the key is to focus on emotional needs and benefits. Plus, you can apply this to almost any marketing pieces – from ads and landing pages to sales pages and emails etc.

Speaking of ads, have you signed up for my Ads Masterclass yet?

My ads masterclass (date to be confirmed) will be taking place in the next few weeks and specifically, I’ll be sharing with you how to:

  • Write powerful ads that compel people to buy
  • Understand where to advertise to maximise your ROI
  • Understand how to measure your ads
  • How to track their performance
  • How to ALWAYS stay profitable

Basically, if you’ve ever lost money on an ad campaign before, this masterclass is going to show you how to STOP losing money and run your ads profitably and predictably! 

If you’re interested in getting on the waitlist for this masterclass, simply click here: AD MASTERCLASS