Your Customers Have ZERO Tolerance For THIS

Your customers have zero tolerance for marketing ‘stuff’, but a real, lasting and deep hunger for high-value ideas that can really help them.

It’s one of the reasons why content marketing is so effective – because educating, informing and helping your customers with the things that are stressing them out the most is what they truly value.

While reviews, success stories and case studies are great for social proof and to show people you know what you’re doing, what your customers are REALLY looking for are insights, ideas and proof that you have a deep understanding of their problems.

In short, content with insights win.

Nothing wins the confidence of your customer more than information which truly helps them solve their issues.

Even ONE small win for your customers is a HUGE step in the right direction for helping them see you as an authority. When people view you as an authority, they’re much more likely to do business with you.

So here are 5 ways you can win with your customers WITHOUT focusing on marketing:

  1. Avoid Jargon – Using clever words isn’t clever. Unless you’re in an industry serving a select niche that requires the use of industry jargon (such as medical jargon if you’re talking to doctors), ditch the jargon altogether. Use language that even a 10 year old could easily understand.
  1. Focus On Insights & Practical Information – The best marketers in the world focus on providing insights and practical ways to solve problems through content. Use a variety of mediums such as videos, podcasts, webinars, blog posts, reports, checklists and guides to help your customers and demonstrate your ability to help them get results.
  1. Regular Touch-Points – Sending your audience an email once in a blue moon isn’t the best way to stay top-of-mind. Regularly create helpful content and ensure you keep on top of it by planning out topics in advance. Send out communications weekly or bi-weekly at the very least, but don’t put content out there ‘for the sake of it.’ 
  1. Repurpose Content – People consume information in different ways. Some like to read, others like listening or watching. Repurposing content in a variety of formats wherever possible is an easy way to stay relevant to your audience and also cuts down on the amount of planning and research needed. 
  1. Sell Without Selling – Every piece of content can do the selling FOR you. You can embed relevant offers in every piece of content by adding a call to action such as ‘if you found this helpful, check out X’. This is an easy way to sell without selling because you’re giving value first before asking your audience to check your offers out.

As you can see, none of these things are difficult – they just require you to get strategic and think more deeply about the needs of your audience and then consistently put great content out. 

By the way, if you found this helpful and would like some help with putting a content marketing plan together, simply get in touch with me HERE