Disengaged List? Here’s 3 Easy Ways To Fix It Now!

Prospects don’t care how awesome your stuff is – if they don’t want or need what you have and you keep trying to sell them your products and services, you’ll simply frustrate and eventually lose them.

A disengaged list is a chronic sign of not understanding the needs of your prospects.

If you’ve done your homework and understood what your audience wants and needs, then your unsubscribe rates and spam complaints should be pretty minimal.

But what if they’re not?

This usually happens when you push the same products to your list repeatedly – people get tired of seeing you do that and this makes the whole process seem like you only care about your own wallet!

Businesses are also guilty of focusing too much on how awesome they are, rather than on the needs of their potential customers – because in reality, your audience doesn’t care how great you are.

They care about how you can help them – period.

There’s also another problem too.

Businesses that focus too much on the features and processes of their products routinely perform badly in almost all split tests.

The combination of these issues will simply set off the ‘I’m being sold to’ sensors in your prospect’s brain and gives them the perfect reason to unsubscribe or mark you as spam… thus accelerating the process of burning out your list!

The good news is this is easily fixable in 3 ways:

#1 Focus on the benefits of your products and why your prospects need it:

What are the deeper benefits your prospect will experience as a result of buying your product? Why do they need it in their life and how will it make their life better?

#2 Focus on how you solve your audience’s pain points:

Start thinking of your business and your products and services as being the solution to the problems your audience is facing. What are they struggling with and how are you helping them solve this problem?

#3 Work on creating a connection with your audience and adding value first and foremost BEFORE asking for the sale:

Nurture your relationship with your audience by providing them amazing content that’s specific to helping them fix their pain points. The idea is NOT to teach them everything – rather, you’re giving them enough to create small wins. When prospects get results from the free things you consistently give them, they’ll be happy to pay you for your paid solutions!

Just implementing these three things will ensure you’re able to connect with your audience on the things that matter most to them – and this will help you build a more responsive list…

And ultimately, a responsive, engaged list will result in increased sales for you!

To your success!

Arfa Saira Iqbal